Nightlife on a boat can be a wonderful experience. Whether you are fishing or are out there for relaxation and recreation, the right kind of lighting can help your time onboard easier and safer. Keep reading to find out different types of lights you can use when navigating at night.

Exterior Lights
There are few different types of exterior boat navigation lights. The sidelights or combination lights are visible to any other vessel that is approaching you head-on or from the side. These are of two different colors- the red signifying the port or the left side and the green signifying the starboard side. The stern light is the white light that is seen only from behind the boat. For all vessels that are engine driven, a masthead light is required. This is a white light that shines forward and onto the sides.
Interior Lights
While the exterior navigation lights are what will help the boat travel safely on the night waters, the interior of the vessel also requires lighting. You need to make sure the people on board can carry out their activities and duties properly and therefore the best lighting has to be chosen for the interior.
The use of low lights inside is a popular habit as it prevents the risk of your night vision being obstructed by lights that are too bright. For example, you can use red lights to help your eyes to adapt the dark and help you navigate safely.
Having low or dimmed lights interior is also known to preserve your night vision not only support it. This is why it is recommended for any place in the boat the navigation cabin or anywhere else.
Get LED Lights
LED lights are known for their various benefits. Boating experts suggest the use of LED lights for lighting instead of halogen lights. LED is known to last longer and is more efficient. LED lights are known to be better for the interior, exterior as well as underwater.
Thanks to the improvement of the digital world, now you can have apps that allow you to control the color scheme and the intensity of the LED lights you use. This versatility will provide you the safest and the most beautiful night boating experience.

Legal Requirements
Whether you are buying new lights or are planning to change the lights, make sure to do that within the legal requirements of your state. Whatever country or state you are in; you are bound to follow the boating rules and regulations of the local authorities.
So, when you are installing new lights, keep these requirements in mind so you will not face legal problems later. Make sure to check and read up on the local laws regarding boating. If you are still new to the activity, you can always ask a local expert.
Lights for boats are not just for the aesthetic appeal of it. It is also a matter of security and safety at night. This is why you need to consider their functionality and safety before any other factor when purchasing.